Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Gower Peninsula, and the Beginning of Class.

First off, I'd like to apologize for not having posted for the last few days. I know at this time, I don't have any followers, but to the 4 or 5 I might eventually get, I'm sure that if you had been following me at this time you would be very anxious and frustrated that it took me so long to post more stuff. In my defense, I couldn't get on the internet here until today and now I have some catching up to do. Thank God I typed what I wanted to say the day things happened and just saved them so I could copy paste them!

And now, back to business.

This post is going to be covering the last few days, and I expect probably the rest of the posts to be multi-day ones too, unless I have a lot of cool stories or continue to have lots of free time, in which case I'll probably just be posting to read myself talk. And so it goes.

Our orientation and trip to the Gower Peninsula went pretty well. The Gower is Britain's oldest and first nature reserve. It is a very pretty place and I intend on going back there sometime to spend some more time. Our field trip took us about 3 and a half hours- 3 hours and 15 minutes of which were in a bus (it turns out, coach buses are not very comfortable when you're dipping and weaving around coastal Welsh roads, I almost hurled). Usually they would have let us out more, but the weather was bad and I guess they just didn't trust us not to jump in the puddles. It was very beautiful country though, and I should have some better pictures posted another day after I have gone back (but for now you'll have to deal with these!).

Today we started our British culture and politics class in which we study almost all aspects of British culture and history since 1945. It was very interesting and my professor is very entertaining. Its also nice to be able to take a history type class and not have to deal with numbers and formulas for a change. Unfortunately, the main theme to his lecture today was that the last 65 years of British life has been pretty bleak for the most part... I think he said it gets better though. I'll let you know if he has any really cool facts.

The pictures below are from my excursion to the Gower Peninsula. I should be going back on my own some other time and I'll get better pictures.

 A map of the Gower

 Me and Alex

 Just some pictures at Rosili

 There was so much sheep poop. 

 If you check the map, The Mumbles is a fishing village near where I'm living. This is a fisherman there. Hopefully I can get out and catch some stuff while I'm here. 

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