Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bus Passes and Early Classes

Greetings Earth People!

When we last left our hero he had just returned home from a long bus excursion to the Gower Peninsula (I think). Since then, not much has happened. We got into our orientation class pretty heavily over the last few days. I have had to be at campus by nine in the morning three of the last four days, and had to stay until five for the same amount, so there hasn't been a whole lot of time to explore the city or surrounding area- hopefully that changes when regular classes begin! But the class is very interesting and time passes fast!

We just finished up talking about major cultural themes in British film and now are moving on to music. Its really cool how accurately contemporary forms of expression reflect political, social and cultural issues of their time. I suppose that's how it should be, but in the United Kingdom it seems like they are a little more real about it rather than with the glitz and glam of Hollywood and the current popular music scene (at least I HOPE movies like Beerfest and Napoleon Dynamite and artists like Lady Gaga and  Ke$ha don't paint accurate pictures of current cultural themes in our country!).

My roommates are all still busy studying for their exams, and since its only light from about 8:30 to 4:30 I end up spending a lot of time in my room reading and playing spider solitaire. There is also a bar here at the student village I live at (not to mention a bar and a convenience store that sells cases of beer and bottles of wine on campus) and often times me and a few other people on my program will go and have a few pints and watch a football (soccer) match at night so we don't  disturb our roommates' studying.

Fortunately, the days are getting longer and my roommates are finishing their exams- and I won't be having 8 hours of lecture a day- so there will be many more stories and exciting tales and pictures soon. Until then, here are some pictures of my roommates. Also, throughout my trip I plan to take pictures of things I find funny or cool so I'll start posting them as well. So if there is a weird picture of a Taco Bell in the middle of a landscape album that's why (I haven't seen a Taco Bell yet though).
Ryan (he's from Colorado)


 Claire (She's from Pennsylvania)


Lee (With Laura and Zoe) 

Ellie (on the right)



Thats all my roommates, now here is something I found at the grocery store. 

Canned "American" Hot Dogs... I had to buy them, they were only a pound for 6! I'll tell you how they taste when I eat them... If I eat them... 

Just kidding I will, it will be a nice change from bell peppers and rice!

This picture was taken specifically for Colin Hueser, but hopefully everyone enjoys it. They had a lot of fun cards in a convenience store I went into today. Maybe I'll take pictures of more. But I liked this one... 

See you later!

1 comment:

  1. Burn! How bout that Colin!!!

    Italy does not have this thing called "beer" in "cases." It makes things just seem so foreign and strange...
